
We tackle the discrimination and homophobia faced by lesbians, gay men and bisexuals.

Sex In the Census 2021

Sex In the Census 2021

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE​: 10 am SUNDAY 21 2021 PRESS RELEASE With a month to go until the census on March 21, campaigners have launched the ​Sex in the Census campaign to protest the last minute decision by the Office for National...

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Hate Crime bill (Scotland)

Hate Crime bill (Scotland)

UPDATE: 15th March 2021 Last week, the Hate Crime Bill was approved by Holyrood, and the amendments we hoped to see included were not made. There is still a chance a Judicial Review may find it discriminatory, but for now its passage into law seems assured. So, what...

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Schools Campaign

Schools Campaign

For several years now, teachers and parents have been lobbying for compulsory, fact-based, age-appropriate teaching of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) in schools across the UK. At last it is to be introduced in September 2020. As part of the curriculum children...

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Equality and Human Rights Commission

Equality and Human Rights Commission

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is Great Britain’s national equality body. Their job is to safeguard and enforce the laws that protect people’s rights to fairness, dignity and respect. EHRC is a statutory, non-departmental, public body that was...

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