Consultation Submissions
Since LGB Alliance began we have made over 30 Submissions to consultations on a range of issues central to the protection of the rights of LGB people. This work is fundamental to ensuring we meet our Charitable Objects and purpose as an organisation, and requires a huge amount of research and time to produce – work that we could not do without the help of our incredibly skilled and dedicated volunteers.
Here are a selection of those submissions:
Committee on Standards in Public Life – Consultation Title: Inquiry into APPGs
Date: 20.11.20
Women and Equalities Committee – Consultation Title: The Government’s response to GRA reform
Date: 27.11.20
Law Commission – Consultation Title: Reforms to hate crime laws to make them fairer, while also protecting freedom of expression
Date: 24.12.20
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee – Consultation Title: Sport in our communities Inquiry
Date: 11.12.20
Law Commission – Consultation Title: Consultation on reform of the communications offences
Date: 18.12.20
Ofsted – Consultation Title: Changes to the publication of statistics on further education and skills inspections and outcomes
Date: 22.01.21
Committee on Standards in Public Life – Consultation Title: Standards Matter 2: Public Consultation and Public Sector Survey
Date: 29.01.21
Joint Committee on Human Rights – Consultation Title: Freedom of expression Inquiry
Date: 31.01.21
Women and Equalities Committee – Consultation Title: The role of the GEO: embedding equalities across government
Date: 17.02.21
UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner – Consultation Title: Call for input to a thematic report: Gender, sexual orientation and gender identity
Date: 28.02.21
UK Statistics Authority – Consultation Title: UK Statistics Authority Inclusive Data Consultation
Date: 26.03.21
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee – Consultation Title: Influencer Culture Inquiry
Date: 07.05.21
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee – Consultation Title: Major cultural and sporting events Inquiry
Date: 14.05.21
Department of Health and Social Care – Consultation Title: Women’s Health Strategy: Call for Evidence
Date: 13.06.21
Foreign Affairs Committee – Consultation Title: Tech and the future of UK foreign policy Inquiry
Date: 22.06.21
Welsh Government – Consultation Title: Curriculum for Wales guidance and code for Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)
Date: 16.07.21
Department of Health and Social Care – Consultation Title: Consultation on the appointment and operation of the Patient Safety Commissioner
Date: 05.08.21
Scottish Government – Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee – Consultation Title: Views on ‘End Conversion Therapy’ Petition
Date: 13.08.21
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee – Consultation Title: Online Safety and online harms Inquiry
Date: 03.09.21
Joint Committee on Draft Online Safety Bill – Consultation Title: Draft Online Safety Bill
Date: 16.09.21
A special committee was set up to scrutinise this Bill. We were invited to make a submission.
Health and Social Care Committee – Consultation Title: NHS Litigation reform Inquiry
Date: 20.10.21
Welsh Government – Consultation Title: LGBTQ+ Action Plan
Date: 22.10.21
Financial Conduct Authority – Consultation Title: Diversity and inclusion on company boards and executive committees
Date: 20.10.21
Joint Committee on Human Rights – Consultation Title: Protecting human rights in care settings
Date: 02.11.21
Joint Committee on Human Rights – Consultation Title: Protecting human rights in care settings
Date: 02.11.21
Government Equalities Office – Consultation Title: Banning Conversion Therapy
Date: 04.02.22
UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner – Consultation Title: Inputs to the OHCHR’s “Report to the Human Rights Council on the realisation of the right of persons affected by violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, in relation to SDG3”
Date: 25.02.22
Health and Social Care Committee – Consultation Title: Impact of body image on physical and mental health
Date: 22.01.22
Single sex accommodation guidance in the NHS – “Improving privacy and dignity for all patients in all healthcare settings.”
Date: 11.03.22
This was not a formal consultation.
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport – Inquiry: Women’s Sport
Date: 03.02.23
IPSO – Consultation Title: Public Consultation on Guidance on Reporting of Sex and Gender Identity
Date: 10.03.23
WHO – Consultation Title: “a guideline on the health of trans and gender diverse people”
Date: 08.01.24
Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls: Call for inputs – country visit to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Date: 10.02.24
Scottish Government – Consultation Title:Ending conversion practices in Scotland
Date: 02.04.24
BBC – Consultation Title: Consultation on the draft BBC Editorial Guidelines 2024
Date: 18.12.24