Equality and Human Rights Commission
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is Great Britain’s national equality body. Their job is to safeguard and enforce the laws that protect people’s rights to fairness, dignity and respect. EHRC is a statutory, non-departmental, public body that was established by the Equality Act 2006, and which operates independently.
One of our first actions when LGB Alliance was formed was to start to engage with EHRC about the public confusion on issues relating to sex and gender identity, and the misrepresentation by some organisations of the specifics of the Equality Act 2010. You can read the chain or correspondence between us and EHRC Chief Executive Rebecca Hilsenrath below.
We will be submitting a response to the EHRC’s consultation on their next strategic plan once that consultation opens in 2021. We’ll also be providing details here about how you can do the same.
Letter from LGB Alliance EHRC (23rd October 2019)
Request for EHRC to intervene on many competing viewpoints, around sex, gender and transgender politics.
Letter from LGB Alliance EHRC (23rd October 2019)
Request for EHRC to intervene on many competing viewpoints, around sex, gender and transgender politics.
Letter via lawyer from LGB Alliance to EHRC (3rd February 2020)
Setting out some of the specifics of our concerns from a legal perspective, and in more detail.
Letter from LGB Alliance to EHRC (25th March 2020)
Expressing disappointment that none of our points had really been addressed and urging further conversation.
Letter from LGB Alliance to EHRC (25th March 2020)
Expressing disappointment that none of our points had really been addressed and urging further conversation.