LGB Alliance launches their theme song Stand Up!
Today, the 21st October 2022 LGB Alliance launches their theme song Stand Up! at the LGB Alliance Conference 2022.
We are proud to present Stand Up! performed by Hungry Hearts and produced by SoundFactory. The song will be available on most streaming platforms within a week.
Until then, love yourself and Stand Up!
LGB Alliance will:
- ensure that the voices of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals are heard in all public and political discussions affecting our lives.
- highlight the dual discrimination faced by lesbians
- to protect children from harmful, unscientific ideologies that may lead them to believe either their personality or their body is in need of changing. Any child growing up to be lesbian, gay or bisexual has the right to be happy and confident about their sexuality and who they are.
- to promote free speech on lesbian, gay and bisexual issues
Hungry Hearts is a lesbian performance group from Norway. They have since 2007 performed with music and video works depicting the LGB culture and continuously commented on this culture’s contemporary issues. They released their album Dyke Forever in 2015 and have since then released songs related to the female body, lesbian and gay love and other political LGB issues.
For more information contact gjevjon@me.com