7 October 2021
Statement in support of Professor Kathleen Stock
“LGB Alliance stands with Dr Stock against the vile abuse and threats she has faced, not only in the last week, but over the last several years. We are encouraged that she now has the support of Sussex University, which is committed to the principles of rational debate, free speech and open enquiry – as any university worth the name ought to be.
Gender identity extremists rely on creating a climate of fear: they aim to create a chilling effect that poisons or even prevents public discourse. The fact this tactic is faltering explains the increasing vitriol aimed at those who dare to raise their head above the parapet.
Many groups, LGB Alliance among them, are now exposing the true nature of gender identity ideology. For years, we were told there was #NoDebate to be had about gender identity and that it was hateful for people to discuss the loss of their rights.
Thankfully this debate, so long postponed, is now beginning to take place. We express our solidarity with Dr Stock, a brave champion of free speech – which is of vital importance not just to academics but to everyone in a democracy.” /END